Suresystems has developed a payment system platform called Suredebit to manage and load all your Debicheck transactions. Suredebit is mobile friendly and allow you to load Debicheck transaction from anywhere and anytime on a Tablet, Mobile phone, laptop/desktop or via our Pos Terminal.
DebiCheck will offer a variety of Authentication methods for account holders and more secure payments for the merchants.
Debicheck has 3 transaction types that can be used by a merchant and a variety of authentication methods for his customers.
Here is the transactions types Merchant and Customer can use:
Debicheck TT1 Real Time
MERCHANT: Load from Tablet, phone, laptop, desktop or integration with your own system.
Customer: Authenticates from his Cellphone
Debicheck TT1 Delayed
MERCHANT: load from Tablet, phone, laptop or desktop or integration with your own system.
Customer: Authenticates from Cellphone,Cellphone banking,USSD or ATM
Debicheck TT2 Delayed-batch file submit. Merchant can submit batch file.
Customer: Authenticates from Cellphone,Cellphone banking,USSD and ATM
Debicheck TT3 Real time
Merchant and customer use the POS Terminal to load and authenticate the transaction in real time with card and pin. No cellphone required.
EFT Debit Order
EFT Debit orders are currently the most widely used deduction.
With the EFT debit order service you require a signed debit order mandate. EFT Debit order runs after Debicheck.