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SureSystems offer cost effective payment solutions in the South African market related to collecting money from a customers bank account. We are also in the forefront of new developments in the payment systems industry and will offer the latest technologies available.


SureSystems offers a range of products  to suit your individual needs and requirements  at competitive pricing.



We developed a  system called Suredebit  for Debicheck transactions that is more user friendly, reliable and uses the latest technologies. Debicheck is the new way to collect your money.


SureSystems is a System Operator  registered with Payments Association of South Africa. Our supporting bank is ACCESS BANK. Our system is PCI DSS compliant and POS devices are EMV certified. We comply with all the relevant payment system rules and regulations. We provide safe and secure payment system.






















Debicheck, AEDO ,  NAEDO or EFT payment systems

At SureSystems we prioritize your business by providing you with streamlined solutions and exceptional service delivery. We value our clients' time and we take a step further to exceed rather than just meet expectations.

087 820 1423

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